(no subject)

Nov 21, 2004 09:42

yesterday me and tyler went to develop my film at walgreens.. on our way there there was a cop and just looked at us then drove off..

later on ce we got there we saw him at walgreens near us and we hurryed and went in...

10 min later we walk out and he calls us over there..

he asked us how old we were, whos the owner of the golf cart, do our parents know, where do u live and all this other shit..

the cop called tylers dad cuz he was the owner of the golf cart.. the cop said.. "hello this is ____ with the county police, we have your daughter at eckerd's, oh wait son at eckerd's, do u know that he drove it all the way .. balah blah blah.." then he let tyler talk.. then he told us that driving more than 1,000 feet from a golf course is agenst the law and u could get a $173 fine.. and not haveing a rear view mirror is a $57 fine..

how random

so then he showed us this whole book on what we did.. and it was lame..

so heather carli and emi came with us and we saw elf, and house on haunted hill.. it was cool.. then later everyone went home and me carli and heather went to the movies and saw Spongebob!! it was so cute and funny...

i loved the ending with patrick "oh i'll get that" hahah fucking helarious
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