Apr 24, 2007 02:06
someone once told me that people in college change.that they grow up; that you meet your TRUE, real friends in college.well you know what, whoever said that, thats fucking BULLSHIT. i thought college would be different but people suck and again have to start worthless drama over the gayest thing ive ever heard, the second last week of school.grow the fuck up fuck you all for talking shit i had to deal with it last summer with peoplee who i thought were my friends but hey shit happens people fucking suck like i said.my schoolwork comes before going out.and why would i want to go out with you if all you do is leave me at the end of the night jsut to fuck a random guy everytime.tahts GROSS in my book. =] fuck you all grow some balls and if you have something to say it to me, come to my face and don't do it on AIM. thats first grade. i cant wait for summer..2 and a half weeks!!! and i really can't wait to start over again next school year at a new school and hopefully people aren't the same there. PCE THE FUCK OUT BITCHESSSSSS thanks for making this week hell and the rest of the school year awkward pretending that i'm happy =]