My Friends are so SWEET what would I do with out them!!

Aug 29, 2004 21:08

Well I sign onto my live journal and I have 3 comments 2 are from Christy and 1 is from Marty. The 2 from Christy mean so much to me because they are icons for my Live Journal. I know I'm being weird about it, but this means a lot to me because I would do this for one of my friends but I would never expect it back...THANK YOU SO MUCH CHRISTY. I think that I'm a little emotional today well right now at least..I think it's because my Mommy and I got into a fight. Well I was sitting in my room with the door closed eating my dinner and talking to Jess on the phone. When my door starts to open. It freaked me out a little bit so I had this weird look on my face. Well my Mom freaks out and shes like don't give me that face I'm doing your laundry for you and BLAH BLAH BLAH....that's what it sounded like after what is that face for.(lol) But anyway so then we got into this fight about how I'm not responsible. Ok you can ask all of my friends and they will tell you that I'm probably one of the most responsible teenagers they know. But anyway so I did what she said and then she comes back in and is like until you show me your more responsible you can't get your license. That just set me off...And the rest is history. So enough complaining I'm really nervous about tomorrow because my best friend isn't going to be there *tear* but I know that I'll survive without you Marty. I just want to wish you good luck on your first day...hehehe. TTYL..Coll
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