Hey WB! We want more TSCC!

Sep 17, 2009 16:17

Freaking Big Push reminder:

The billboard rolls out on Monday. The DVD is released on Tuesday. Movie theater ads start showing a week from tomorrow. This is it; we're in the thick of it now and I hope you guys have been keeping up with the daily missions. Some take more effort, but all are important. You can't sit back and think oh, I'm sure other people are doing it, I don't need to. Everyone needs to be involved. Everyone needs to participate. If you skipped a mission on its scheduled date, do it late. If you don't have time during the week, do them on the weekend. We're making a statement - making a push for more Sarah Connor Chronicles.

Today's mission is an easy one: Go tell WB that you love The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Tell them you want more of it. Tell them you miss the drama. Tell them these characters climbed into your heart and won't leave. Tell them you miss Sarah Connor's good and moral soul. Tell them you miss Derek's crazy eyes. Tell them you miss John Connor's strength and compassion. Hell, tell 'em you miss Cameron's undies, I don't care... just tell them!

freaking big push, sarah connor chronicles, power to the people

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