Title: The Grocery List Author: Roxy Bisquaint Characters: Sarah and Derek, minor appearance by Cameron Rating: Teen Word Count: ~500 Summary: He wanted it. She gave it to him. Notes: I hope you don't hate me for his one.
*chuckles* Derek does have a "by any means" policy towards getting the mission done. That's probably the last time that he'll try seducing Sarah to get his way!
That's probably the last time that he'll try seducing Sarah to get his way! I don't think there's any way he could attempt it again after that ;) Thanks for reading.
Oh, man! Poor Derek! Should've had Cameron take him to the hospital! :P
This was awesome. From the initiating sex while (I assume) loading a weapon to the attempted pocket picking while the "victim" is distracted to the ignominious end. Love it.
Oh I think Cameron would be content to watch Derek die. ;) And yes, Sarah was loading a gun at her dresser. I wasn't sure if that would come through with the way I broke it up.
Thanks for reading and I'm glad you liked it. You know, you actually should get some credit here. I toyed with this idea for a while, but hadn't done anything with it. After you called for more fic I finally wrote it. So thanks for motivating me :)
Comments 30
Oh cool. I was wondering if it would be a surprise or not. Thanks so much for the feedback.
(I fell on the floor when I saw this icon, btw!)
I don't think there's any way he could attempt it again after that ;)
Thanks for reading.
This was awesome. From the initiating sex while (I assume) loading a weapon to the attempted pocket picking while the "victim" is distracted to the ignominious end. Love it.
And yes, Sarah was loading a gun at her dresser. I wasn't sure if that would come through with the way I broke it up.
Thanks for reading and I'm glad you liked it. You know, you actually should get some credit here. I toyed with this idea for a while, but hadn't done anything with it. After you called for more fic I finally wrote it. So thanks for motivating me :)
BTW - love your icon!
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