Dear Lena Headey

Jun 23, 2010 23:48

The persistent rumors that you won't reprise the role of Sarah Connor if there is a TSCC movie are making me sad. Do you know the only reason I've been part of this fandom is because of how awesome you were in the show? Sure, the writing was great and the other actors and their characters were great, but it's the character of Sarah Connor and more specifically your performance that sucked me into the series.

You're an actor and it was a paycheck. I get that. But when your job is to represent an iconic character to millions of fans, there are strings attached. I doubt T3 would've been much better even with a script that included Sarah Connor, but Linda Hamilton's refusal to return to the franchise made it unbearable. Please don't do the same to The Sarah Connor Chronicles.

I know there are no guarantees about a film at this point, but everyone who was involved in the show seems to be pulling for one and has said so publicly. Your continued silence on the topic allow the rumors that you wouldn't be in it to thrive. So please do us a favor and speak up soon. Because if you're walking away from a future TSCC movie, then so am I.

- Roxy

lena headey, sarah connor, discontentment, sarah connor chronicles, fandom

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