So I'm kinda pissed right now and I'll get to all that later, but I really need to update. Since the last update hurricane Charley went through us and we were out of school for 6 days. After we got back to school we all found out that our stupid superintendant is making us make up every single day by cutting all of our vacations back. So instead of having a fall break, we go to school. Instead of having the day before Thanksgiving off, we go to school. And instead of having two weeks off for Winter Break, we go to school early. How much does that suck. I don't understand why they don't let us go. They only give us one day a year for bad weather when they should know that a hurricane causes much more than one day's worth of school. This is such crap. Now, they're threatening to take away our Spring Break because of Hurricane Frances. We've missed two days already and tomorrow will be three. Ugh.....this really pisses me off. Anyways, during Hurricane Frances I went with my family and dogs and stayed at the Portofino Bay hotel. It's a nice hotel, but when the storm started coming, our room got soaked with water. It sucked, but it happened the night before we left. We, yet again, had no damage from the storm. Our power didn't even go out for this one. How sucky. So now I get to stay home for two extra days this week. Not too exciting. Yesterday I sent my application for USF in. Now I need to get my transcripts and test scores sent there. After that I need to send my application for FSU in, write my essay for them, and get my transcripts and scores sent. I'm gonna have to wait for UF because I can't apply now for regular admission and I'm not too sure if I want to do early decision because if I do, then I would have to take back my other applications and sign with them right away saying I would defintely go there if I was accepted early. Then again, if I don't make it in during early decision, then they just keep my application for regular admission in the spring. Who knows.
So the other day I was reading Katie's LJ and she had a post up saying to leave your name and she tell you what she thinks of you. I thought it would be fun to see what she had to say about me. So she replies saying that I need to not post my arguments on here and that I need to work things out with people face to face, but that I was still a fun girl. Yeah, you too, but you obviously don't know me. If you did, then you would know that I don't like confrontation. So sorry that I've written on here how I feel about things just because it was how I was feeling at the time I was on here and didn't get the chance to talk to the person first. If you knew me, then you would also know that I am much better with words if I write. If I talk to someone face to face while I'm pissed, then I say stupid things and that's just not great. So, I was a little upset with what she said and told her to get the whole story before she says anything about it. It's the truth. Trust me, if we were close enough, then I'd say that to your face. So today I read what she had to say and it was something dramatic (what's new). It was about how awful Mr. Larson was as a teacher and how she hates him, how he plays favorites towards nerds, and how all they did was watch movies. I got so pissed reading this. How dare you talk about my favorite teacher like that, bitch!!! That man is great and know what he's teaching and does it well. I passed forensics with an A+. He liked me because I did my work, asked questions, took notes, and passed the tests. I even came in for turtoring when I didn't get something. Just so you know, I'm pretty popular, too (not being conceited) and he never had a problem with me. If you want, you all can read what I wrote (highly reccommend it). You will see that what she had to say came from someone who obviously needs to grow up and move on past high school and who finds joy in never being able to blame herself when things go wrong (what's new?).
There, I'm done. I'm pissed. I need to go read.