I MADE EDITOR OF THE SCHOOL NEWSPAPER! =D I guess my interview wasn't as horrible as I had thought it was... And I guess reputation does help... Once I sat down for the interview, Mr. Vander Meulen says to me "So YOU'RE Tayler Eaton" (which I thought was funny because he knew me only as Aphrodite... and the day after the interview when he passed me in the hall he struggled to come up with something to greet me by... he settled on Aphrodite XD), and then Ms. Cunningham says to him "I was just about to say that." It always frightens me when I hear something about how the teachers talk about me :S Really... Like when Witmer asked me to write for Concept because "my name had come up" when he asked around... I'm sure they don't badmouth me - on the contrary - but it creeps me out nevertheless. *shudder*
And other good news: the problem-solving Chemistry exam last week... I got a perfect mark! :3 and I was the only one of Mr. Ladan's students who got a perfect mark :3 Awesomeful? I think so!
I'm not even half-way through studying for Wednesday's exam and I'm running out of time. I should be okay, right? Right?
Success is counted sweetest
By those who ne'er succeed.
To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need.
Not one of all the purple Host
Who took the Flag today
Can tell the definition
So clear of Victory
As he defeated-dying
On whose forbidden ear
The distant strains of triumph
Burst agonized and clear!
-Emily Dickinson