Nov 06, 2005 12:04
it is ridiciouls.. i am sitting at home right now and it is 12:04 and i have a freaking cast on my leg, both of my sisters are just laying around being just a bunch of boring old losers and im cleaning! yeah me in a fucking cast and crutches and im cleaning, while my sisters, who might i add are perfectly normal and have no cast which the capibilty of performing these tasks like doing laundry and such wouldnt be that hard. but no, im the one cleaning, i see this as a bit odd! going up and down stairs is just not my idea of a fun day to say the least.. but in good news.. only 22 more days this the little pink cast comes off and i cannot wait! it is going to be the best day of my life! hopefully it will come sooner then i expect! well, sorry about this entry as me just kindve bitching but i had to vent somewere..
.. ohh yeah.. there is like some down power line on our street, and we're not alloweed outside and it is like SUPER windy out.. and to tell you the truth, it is actaully kindve scary! well peace