Aug 11, 2004 11:47
JennN is the the WORST...oh man you dont even KNOW! =) aww i kidd i still <3 you!! so so much!!
do do do, guess what WORKS boring and i want to go shopping, but GUESS WHAT ELSE jennN told off her mommie so we cant go =p because really my grans taking my stupid car =( pooey! well we CAN go but we are both for SURE too lazy for that!
im a SO hungryyyyyyyyyyyy this blows!! 12:30 seems SO far away!! not even 12:40 more like 1 by the time i eat!!
guess wut i did today like a moron! forgot my liscence!! i only realized like 10 minutes ago when i went to get qarters to get some snacks...NO WALLET! oops =p lets just drive cautiously home and not get pulled over lol that would be SO bad!
okay well i dont feel like writing im too bla really...byeeeeee