Jan 19, 2007 16:36
OMG i am so pissed right now.
fucking RACHEL from image arts just called me saying they're fucking server went down and lost my whole scheudle and that when they went to put me in my classes that i was in before, they were full!! so she's telling me that I may not be able to get back into them CAUSE THEY'RE FUCKING SHIT MESSED UP. DUDE IF THEY SCREW UP MY YEAR, SHIT IS GOING TO HIT THE FAN! WHAT the fuck i'm not getting fucked over cause image arts is a bunch of fucking MORONS that need to die.
She better fucking get me back in my philosophy class thats the only class I actually fucking enojy taking and this stuipd ass school.
OOHFDOHFLKJDSfh she needs to be punched inthe FACE!.