Apr 18, 2005 23:31
So, what's been going on in my life lately? Not much.
Um...There's this chick at work who doesn't do shit. Her name is Nulu. I despise her. I mean, the way the office works is that everything moves faster with a team effort because each individual job is so involved that one person can't run around and get it all done on time (and you get a write-up if you stay longer than your scheduled time/shift). So, long story short, I always have to stay longer on my shift because I'm part time (and only full time people get in trouble when they stay longer) in order to help the other ladies out because Nulu's ass doesn't freakin' work. She's a shameless-ass bitch. Because the worst thing about it is that everyone in the office with the exception of me and Margarita (this cool chick that I work with) have approached her and talked to her about how she needs to pick up the pace and how it's not fair for other people to have to pick up her slack and do her job for her, on numerous, and I mean numerous, occasions but her ass still ain't doin' shit. On top of that, the office had a meeting and totally launched an assault on her ass and she still ain't improved, even though like 6 people all yelled at her. She works my last nerve. I just don't get that chick. She really bugs me. On top of that, Lorie, who is arguably the nicest and most helpful person in the office is always upset at her. And I hate seeing someone who is a really nice lady be in a bad mood as soon as Nulu walks through the door. It really irks me. And because she works overnight, she gets paid extra. So, it's like, me and Heather, who don't get paid extra, have to stay late ad do her job for her while she sits on her ass and gets paid not only for doin' nothing but a fucking dollar extra on top of that!!!! It ain't right. It's messed up. So, there's that.
Also, the other day I went to see "Sin City" and "Fever Pitch" in the same day. I was in a mood for movies. Okay... here comes another rant... Sin City is R-rated and it had graphic scenes of violence. There were people being mutilated and heads being chopped off and gunshots and sex and nudity. So, what the fuck are two babies and a 7 year old doing in a movie like that?! In all honesty, I wouldn't have given a shit if the kids were quiet. But, of course, they weren't. The babies cried incessantly. I mean, non-stop. I was having a psychotic episode. I mean, I didn't pay $8.00 to listen to a baby crying! Fuckin' ay! Shit! I was so enraged. And the worst thing is, if I had said something to the fucking morons that were thos kids' parents, I would have been yelled at like I was the enemy. I would have been villified. I'd look like a psycho. So, I had to sit there with my mouth shut while the baby cried more than the actors talked.
And then, at the end of the movie, some guy starts talking to me about the movie and I said that I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't had to listen to that baby and he goes "Oh, I didn't notice. I didn't hear a baby." I wanted to punch that guy in the face. I wanted to yell at him like "How the fuck did you not hear the little monster?!" Plus, like I was in the mood to talk to some stranger... I don't know if he was trying to get my number. Ewww... Not even in his dreams. I mean, I don't mind talking about movies with people but let's leave it at that. Why do we have to muck up the whole of human relations with that sort of mess. I should just become an asexual. I'd become a lesbian, but chicks are just too whiny. ;)Just kidding.
I mean, I'm well aware that I'm not exactly Marilyn Monroe or anything but really... I'm tired of being chased by all the freaks and miscreants of Albuquerque. Leave me alone already. I don't want you. Shit, in all honesty, I'd rather be alone.
There's a bunch of gross guys at work who always make me feel like they're undressing me with their eyes whenever they're near. And they're like the fugliest dudes in the state. Yuck. One guy even tried to make petty conversation with me while I was trying to read my book in the break room. Leave me alone. Can't you see that I'm engaged in a worthwhile activity that doesn't involve your ass?! And most of these guys are not only fugly (which is a major step above just plain ugly), but they also have personality problems like they're incredibly rude or egotistical or moronic. I know that I'm not exactly Stephen Hawking or anyone, but the least that I ask is that hebe able to discuss Plato with me. Or, even someone who crawls out from under their rock once in a while to see a decent movie, read a good book, go somewhere interesting. Blechhh! For God's sake, am I asking too much?
I don't know. Sometimes I just get all grumpy.
When am I going to be able to seduce Hayden Christensen so we can run away, get married, and begin our new life in London? Or France? Or Australia? Morocco? Anywhere but here. I'll take Ewan Magregor instead. Or Brad Pitt (hahaha, yeah right). Or someone hot. Or, i can begin my life anew alone with a healthy stipend, say a million dollars. Yeah, in fact, give me the money and forget about the men. I don't need them anyway. What would they do for me? Spinster for life baby!
Drop the mike. I'm done for now.