
Mar 08, 2007 00:41

Today I hate my job, hate my apartment, hate my life!

I found a dead mouse under my kitchen sink-perfect way to top off the perfect day!

I hope tomorrow is better.

First off I would like to note-I am not an overly squimish person when it comes to bugs and rodents-I don't like them but I can deal with them. I'm also use to living in places that have mice, I even found a dead one in my last place as well, but it was a little different then this time.

I am use to them putting out poisen here to deal with the mice-usually within a week or so you can smell this stench that I have come to realize is rotting mice in the walls-yum! Well a few weeks ago the smell was especially bad, but I figured it was because I was actually living here now and not just dropping in to use the office. Well I was wrong-apparently it was so strong becasue the mouse was under some stuff under my sink. The mouse was stuck to the cupboard-there are remenants of mouse fur on my cupboard-it's gross. So far my apartment takes first place for being the worse place I have had to clean yet!
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