Better than the orgasm I’ve never had…

Feb 04, 2007 14:03

aka Why tonight was one of the best nights of my life…

>running into many old and new acquaintances

>Soundgazer’s cover of Living on a prayer

>dancing, dancing and more dancing

>being mistaken for a circus performer from Australia (Yes, I took it as a compliment)

>realizing that something as simple as a smile seems to be able to increase the amount of attention you get exponentially

>kissing someone new, them asking for my #, and not going home with them…even if he never calls it was empowering to just leave it at a kiss

>meeting some new people then being described as Daniel’s close friend, this made me chuckle and I told him to ask Daniel about that

>eating cool ranch chips with homemade dip (no powders/mixes, fresh spices and all)

>currently listening to ABBA gold

>coming home feeling elated for no particular reason!

>being ignored by someone who went of their way to add me to their myspace, and knowing the reason for ignoring me is because of being out with him-if you want to be my “friend” than say hi to me when you see me, otherwise fuck off because I don’t want to be part of your game anymore!

>realizing how little Daniel’s new friends know of our past (related to the good friend comment), which is fine, but hard because it is the reason why I am not closer with that whole group and it would suck if anyone thought it had something to do with them personally

>not having a good friend to go out with, I had lots of people to talk to and perhaps even talked to more of them because I was on my own but it’s getting tiring always going out on my own, made me miss some people from my past …I really need to make an effort to connect with more people who want to/able to party as much as me

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