There are two people in which I owe congratulations to. First off I owe
cherribellsa well deserved happy birthday! ^^ Omedetou ne! ^^ Another year of life ^^ and hopefully many more to come. Second I owe Yamada happy birthday. So because I owe you two Happy Birthday I have prepared something for you guys under the cut...
"It's my birthday ne Dani! I'll show you tricks and we can have a great time! "
"Come! and lets spend the day together!"
"I will show you my cool side ne?"
Tanjoubi Omedetou !
So yea this was an epic fail.. >< but i tried.. school has kinda sucked my brain dry so I don't have much to give you two.. >o< at any rate congrats to the both of you ^^ and IN celebration of you guys I shall go eat naner cookies! *skips away*