
Apr 12, 2004 00:20

I just ate a whole chicken breast and an entire box of Rice A Roni. I didn't think it was possible, but evidently it is. Usually, that meal gets saran wrapped and I eat it for like the next few days. Such was not the case tonight ( Read more... )

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anonymous April 12 2004, 23:48:21 UTC
I must tell you how helpful it is having your picture at the top of all your posts. I don't even have to read all the other bullshit to see if it's you. Like I said before, feel free to read all that crap because I'm not going to. As you are so fond of pointing out this is your live journal that you have paid X amount of dollars for so I really have no interest in dealing with the other people and there stupid shit. I imagine it's only more of the same so let me say this to you. At any time if you wish to end our little discussion simply tell me you aren't gonna read my posts and I can't do anything about it, game over. If your little douchebag friends are gonna sit there and spend just as much time as I posting about the amount of time I spend doing this, which isn't that much, then they can have all the hypocritical fun at my expense they want. I don't know if they have realized it yet but this isn't like their high school experience. I'm sure they've tried to move past it so let me remind them. It was the one where they got peer pressured into feeling bad because the majority of the people there actually told them how stupid they were and they couldn't deal with it. They can talk all they want because you and I both know that you can end our little chat anytime you want. So you can either 1) do what they will probably tell you to do and end it here and now because I won't bother to read their redundant crap and they can't do anything about it or 2) let this run between us until it has reached it's end and you can help them to realize I'm not gonna break down simply because some rejects tried to insult me. It's only an insult if someone actually gives a shit what your saying. To all your friends....keep it up because my index finger almost got tired scrolling past your posts.


xtheunderdog April 13 2004, 13:01:34 UTC
I can say the same to you, it's only an insult if someone actually gives a shit what you're saying.

no one gives a shit what you say.


Loose Ends roxstardom April 13 2004, 13:52:36 UTC
So far, I don't think you've made any kind of reply to the following statement from a past post of mine, and I feel it's important, so I've included it again to give you the opportunity to rebut it as you see fit. (Also, I will number the points I make so for convenient referral.)

[#1] "For someone so passionate, individualistic, and defiant; I must say I'm quite surprised to find you making excuses that you don't have time and so on to reply to everyones' posts. It seems to me that if you were truly dedicated to getting your point across, you would make every effort to do so; not just those which are immediately convenient. This is just my opinion, but by passing up those opportunities, I get the impression that in addition to, as you've indicated, "not caring about what anyone else says," you also don't care a whole lot about whether your arguments are sound and/or correct."

[#2] I also might point out that as far as I can tell, you're the first person to utilize name-calling, and although some people have been critical of you and your views, the only banal insults offered have been yours; i.e. "douchebags" Which seems to call into question your ability to discern hypocrisy in others if you can't see it in yourself, don't you think?

Who's trying to 'break' anyone? I'm certainly not. Stay or go, it's your prerogative, though I'd prefer that we restrain from name calling, I won't ignore your posts because, as I've mentioned before, I personally find value in disagreement, as long as it stays reasonable. I'm not going to post anything like "Fuck you asshole" replied to with, "Go suck a dick." That's not doing anyone any good, so please refrain from the "douchebags" or I will take it as an indication that you no longer desire to carry on an intelligent conversation. If that's the kind of dialogue you desire, I would suggest again that you find a place of your own to post those kinds of comments.

[#3] As far as anyone's high school experiences, I don't see where there's any credibility in an arbitrary and hypothetical argument like that. Of course, if you possess evidence to show that those who have commented actually were involved in high school situations like the ones you described, please feel free to present it and I will correct this statement.

[#4] It seems that the quality of your posts has degraded somewhat. You're now resorting to petty insults and fictional portrayals of others' pasts. Would you disagree and argue that these tactics truly strengthen your arguments?

Those are my four(4) opinions. I hope for the sake of your credibility you'll take the time to address them all. Also, #1 and #4 though similar, address different issues. #1 involves your argument for ignorance, and #4 questions the effectiveness of your strategies of insult and contrived histories. I hope that a little better organization on my part will help to clarify some of your views.


Re: Loose Ends roxstardom April 13 2004, 19:31:49 UTC

I did a little search today and found something very interesting. I'm really sorry to see that this shit is still going on. The way you argued reminded me of you. I suppose you'll still deny who you are; that's fine I guess, but to tell you the truth I was hoping that eventually we could bury the hatchet because I miss having you around as a friend. We had some damn good times. Things are going really well for me now for the most part, and I've been hanging out with a few people from school. I was hoping that I could still rebuild some of those relationships. The shit we fought about was stupid then, and it's worse to be continuing it now. I've put my guilt and my demons to rest, and taken responsibility for the mistakes I've made...but no one's really bothered to hear it. I tried to apologize to you twice already, but you never seemed interested in fixing what was wrong.
The guys I'm in the band with are good people, good friends, and a helluva lot of fun. If you're ever interested in working things out, I'd still love to have you come down and hang out with us sometime. We play a mean game of Warcraft III, and our music's pretty good too.
Whatever you choose to do, whether you want to forgive, forget, or just move on, I truly hope that one way or another you'll put all that behind you. You were a good person when we were friends, and I've never thought otherwise. Granted, you're an arrogant, stubborn fucker who's obsessed with being right, and the reasons for that, though I have my guesses, I won't post here. I don't want to do anything to hurt you now, and I never meant to hurt you then. You had your imperfections, but that only made me value you more as a friend, because it made you unique; it made you interesting; and even though you buried it, it made you extremely empathetic of other people, and that was what made you so hard to argue with. Now here we are, arguing again...have you considered the possibility that maybe you missed it?
You're a good person with a good heart, and regardless of what you do or say, that's not going to change.
As YOUR mother once asked, "Do you love yourself?" To which you replied, (and I'll never forget it) "I love myself three times a day." lol...man that's some funny shit. But there's some truth to it though.
You've always deserved more than you allow yourself to have.
As my friend or not, please take care.

FiberCloud FIBERC-BLK-4 (NET-66-165-0-0-1) -
Western Washington University WWU-RESIDENT-1
(NET-66-165-0-0-2) -


Re: Loose Ends anonymous April 14 2004, 10:21:41 UTC
Hahahaha, good try but wrong. Congratulations on calling BS on the whole OR thing but I know who your referring to (he now knows you think it's him too by the way) and I'm not him. Keep diggin.

P.S. He thought the loving himself 3 times a day was funny but when I told him you called him an "arrogant, stubborn fucker" he didn't take to kindly to it. He wanted me to tell you "now who's been reduced to calling names?" and said he’d E-mail you his cell # if you have anything you wanna say to him. He said more than what I’ve posted here but that's for you guys to deal with. I'd rather not get involved and will stick to our current topic of discussion if you don't mind. Given this new development I'm not even sure you'll want to continue our little discussion so it’s up too you.


Re: Loose Ends roxstardom April 14 2004, 13:42:34 UTC
If you're not him, then I'm truly not impressed. If that's who it had been, then I could've understood his motives, but you? No, now I'm really not buying the "I just found it at random" line.
Your instruction to "Keep Digging" seems to suggest that at some point I will actually discover who you are. My guess is that you too are someone I went to high school with who's ended up at Western.
As far as my comment about being arrogant and stubborn, I meant that in a kind and affectionate way, not a vindictive one, but as always, I'm sure he'll take it how he wants to take it and not how it was intended. Seeing as how this isn't him, then I can't imagine he's interested in working things out.
There's one thing you're right about, and that's the fact that this development does change things significantly.
You entered into this conversation with malicious intent; to get into my life and try and stir up trouble. You've never admitted who you really are, you've lied about your identity, you start throwing out insults, accuse others of hipocracy but won't acknowledge it in yourself, and last but not least, you don't even bother to respond to the points others make. I'm sure there's more, but those are all the reasons I can think of off the top of my head.
I chose to continue these conversations for two reasons:
#1) Because I suspected that the person posting was my old best friend and I'd hoped to resolve things
#2) Because there was something to be gained from an intelligent discourse.
As I've said before, I'll continue these discussions as long as they remain reasonable and relevant. May I also point


Re: Loose Ends roxstardom April 14 2004, 13:49:45 UTC
out that you've mentioned ending these conversations 2 or 3 times now? Do you have nothing of any value left to say?
If I don't know you, then it's fine to continue these conversations anonymously. However, if I do know you, from HS or anywhere else, then you should really have the balls to tell everyone who you are. But in any case, you need to start replying to the points I make, even if you can't manage to reply to those of others. So, I will expect to recieve a coherent reply to my last post in which I presented four arguments. If all you can manage is more random responses (I understand that this last one was to an additional comment I made that was unassociated with our main discussion) then you're going to need a LJ of your own, because I won't post your random thoughts on here.


jenamarie86 April 13 2004, 23:58:24 UTC
"my index finger almost got tired scrolling past your posts."

"If your little douchebag friends are gonna sit there and spend just as much time as I posting about the amount of time I spend doing this"

You don't read them?


(The comment has been removed)

finger...cramping pragmatic7 April 14 2004, 01:17:44 UTC
Holy drama, Drew!

I hope everything is cool and I just wanted to say...
COUNTING CROWS RULE!!! Adam Duritz is a god! I still like their newest stuff but August and Recovering where the best:)


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