Reviewers on make me laugh sadly...

Jul 22, 2009 05:54

I posted "Lessons in Babysitting," my entry in the ed_ficlets contest, at I always put in the summaries of my contest stories that this is a contest piece, and which contest it was written for. Obviously, some of my readers don't pay attention! Hence alerts I get on one shots (which I know many on my f-list get as well).  This is someone new who discovered me at

Her review on "Lessons in Babysitting."

From: PokemonCG

Aww, I liked that, very kawaii. Haha, I'm cureous to see your take on
Inuyasha as a father xD (assuming I'm interpreting Kagome's puking correctly)
My only complaint is that it was too good for its length; just as I was really
enjoying it, it ended! I look foreward to reading you're future chapters
(please tell me there's gonna be more), InuyashaxKagome forever!

Ah well, hate to disappoint - but a one shot is a one shot! I have enough unfinished stories to finish, and no plans on turning any one shots into chapter fics - I need to do that like I need a hole in the head! ::facepalm::

EDIT: Just looked at her profile, she is 13. Still, no excuse, she is a writer as well and if so should be a careful reader...but I will cut her some slack! I could be her mother!


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