EEP! Okay, Who Nominated This Story? I Want to Thank Them!

Jul 03, 2009 20:23

Just got this - what a shock but a really nice one!

Reviewed By: Eikyuu Kosai Awards [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 03, 2009 19:21 CDT
Congratulations! Your fic has been nominated for Best Lemon at Eikyuu Kosai, the Miroku/Sango Fandom Awards. Established in 2009, this group strives to recognize those outstanding pieces of fanfiction and art from the Inuyasha universe, which put special emphasis on the Mir/San pairing. Twice a year, our members come together to nominate and vote in 17 different categories, including a special ‘Hidden Treasure’ award, for those gems that might have been missed the first time around. To learn more about Eikyuu Kosai, please visit Our current slate of nominations can be found here: Nominations run from July 1 - July 14th, 2009, with voting from July 18 - July 31st, 2009. To pick up your nominee banner, please follow this link: 009.jpg Congratulations once again, and please feel free to join in the proceedings! **Please note: you may receive this notification multiple times on the same fic, if it has been nominated into different categories.**

Maybe I should write more Mir/San....I find myself drawn to them in post manga canon recently. I feel a lot of stories there, waiting to be written. I know I will be writing more of them for the contests, maybe even may do them for a 36iyerotictales paring (If I ever finish my I/K tales, and if the community stays alive...).

EDIT: Just joined the mirsanawards on LJ and saw "Wet Dreams," was nominated for Best Lemon too! Thanks to luxken27 and
psyco_chick32 for the nominations! They are not on my friends list, but I know them from the communities!

i'm surprised!, eikyuu kosai awards, miroku/sango

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