Okay, here's the deal.
School is really busy, for one thing. But yeah. The real problem I have is my game (because when does my game not freak out on me right? xD) So the Richmonds' save file is getting huuuuge because I haven't started a new one since Ruby was a teenager lol. And if I don't do that regularly, the game gets obnoxiously laggy and then I don't even feel like playing. Which I guess is why I have been spamming you guys with Carraway chapters since, what... June? xD
Anyways, the simple solution to this would be to save a copy of the Richmonds with their house to the library, start a new game, plop them down, and be good. But of course my game hates me and so it won't let me save a copy of the household >.< What with all the other things going on in my life, I just don't feel like I have time to struggle through playing a chapter of the Richmonds until I can start a new file for them. This is hopefully in the process of getting fixed, but until then... That's why I'm basically absent :P
Also, I made an agreement with a few of you guys over Facebook that I won't post the Carraways again until we hear from our lovely Richmonds :P So yeah. No chapters for awhile, I guess :(
And there is a small possibility that my boyfriend is reading this post right now O.O
See I finally told him about this blog after almost 2 years of dating lol xD Go me! Now he's going to like, read it, and things D: I'm self-conscious okay?! xD
Oh also!!!
CLICK THIS LINK!!!! These are pictures from the Maroon 5 concert I went to xD I totally have a crush on Adam Levine... :3
There! That'll get rid of my boyfriend xD (Just kidding!! xD)
Thanks for always reading my ramblings, ha ha :P Happy September!