September 11, 2010

Sep 11, 2010 14:09

I don't know how many of you know the significance of this day, but today marks the 9 year anniversary of an absolutely horrible event in American history. On September 11, 2001, two airplanes hijacked by terrorists were flown into the World Trade Center buildings in New York City. The buildings caught fire and eventually collapsed. I don't even want to know how many people died, which is why I haven't looked it up. Many people ended up jumping out of the buildings from 70+ stories up, rather than burning to death.

This horrific tragedy hasn't really affected people around where I live, near the Rocky Mountains. But when this occurred, I was just starting second grade in an elementary school in New Jersey, 20 miles outside of the city. EVERYONE'S parents worked in New York... My own father included. By some amazing coincidence, my dad was away on business that day. He didn't work in the towers, but he did work nearby. One of my best friends' fathers worked caddycorner to the towers, and he is lucky to be alive. Another boy's father did die that day. I didn't know him well, but our entire school was in mourning for that man. I vividly remember my school's principal walking into my classroom and asking, "Do any of your parents work in the World Trade Center?" I can't imagine what it was like for the other class, the one with the boy in it who had to say yes.

If you want a first-hand account of it, or if you just want to further depress yourself, watch this video. It is actually in several parts because it's almost 2 hours long, and it's basically live footage recorded by regular people who were watching the event. I had to watch it in history class yesterday, and it nearly made me cry.

Also can I add that yes, the people who did this were Muslim, but that's not a reason to burn their Qur'an. Isn't America supposed to be the "freedom of religion" country? I can understand not wanting a Mosque nearby Ground Zero, but this seems over the top. It's like saying that all black people deserve to be slaves. Just because a few Muslim extremists caused this DOES NOT mean that all Muslims are evil terrorists.

Anyway, just thought I'd cheer you up... :S I'm sorry about the depressing theme here.

In other news, I got High-End Loft Stuff in the mail :D I don't have quite enough for another chapter just yet, so if there is one this weekend (this week has been SUPER busy), it'll be tomorrow.

Hope you're all having a better weekend than I am :\

And PS sorry I haven't responded to all your comments on the last chapter... I have had like, no time at all. I'll get there :P

Never Forget

random, 9/11, news

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