Hello again! We're back with the Richmond Legacy! I was on a roll, so I decided to get chapter 2 out as well! Get ready... Generation 5 officially starts this chapter!
The Richmond Legacy: Generation 5, Chapter 2
Hello again Sydney!
Sydney: "UGH! I burned the spaghetti!"
How'd that happen? You're, like, level 5 cooking skill!
Sydney: "You think I know? God, you're just out to get me today aren't you!"
Um... no.. Actually I'm not.
Sydney really is beautiful isn't she! She reminds me so much of her uncle, Hope's oldest brother Seth. Especially in this pose.
Ozzie: "Listen Syd. I'm really sorry about yesterday. I know you're really excited to have kids. And even though I'm not a fan of children, I think we should work past our differences. They don't really matter in the long run, right?"
Sydney: "Oh Ozzie... You're too sweet."
Sydney: "I forgive you."
Ozzie: "I love you so much, Sydney."
Sydney: "I love you too!"
Syd, you look like you want to eat him... O.o
Ozzie: "I've heard pregnancy makes women's backs hurt like hell... You want a back rub?"
Sydney: "Would I!"
(Would you? Would I! Would you? ... Has anyone ever seen the cartoon show Chowder? It's sooo stupid, but really funny! The phrase "Would I!" always reminds me of this one episode...)
Aww, how sweet <3
And even though I'm SO sick of green eyes, I love both of their eyes. Ozzie's are a different kind of green, too, which helps.
Sydney: "Oh, honey thank you, that was wonderful."
I could totally go for a massage right now... I think I slept funny last night.
Ozzie: "Yeah good luck lady.. You ain't getting one from me!"
Julianna: "I love this pond. It's so relaxing."
I like how you're outside in your leopard-print bra (HA! I spelled it right!!!) where everyone can see you.
Julianna: "Look, I caught a frog!"
A freaking humongous frog! Jeez, that scares me almost as much as the mutant goldfish the kids used to catch in the pond across the street.
Sydney decided she'd better read up on pregnancy and babies if she was going to be a good mother. Which, of course, she would be!
The family really loved the back deck. Which is happy, because I love it too!
Hope: "Prepare to be beaten."
Actually Hope I think he's got a higher level than you --
Hope: "Put a lid on it!"
Sydney when are you due again? It seems like it's been more than three days since you got pregnant...
Sydney: "Well I'm not really sure, but I think I'm due..."
Sydney: "... NOW!"
Sydney: "Motherf***er!!!"
Sydney: "YOU go and give birth and tell me you don't want to swear!"
Sydney: "Wait... How am I gonna be a Five-Star Chef if I have a kid??"
Don't worry. Your grandmother Liza managed to raise six kids and reach the top of the business career. And I'm probably only going to make you have three kids. You'll be fine.
Sydney: "Oh, okay!"
Sydney: "Still, this shit hurts!!!"
Several hours later... God labor takes forever...
And it's a...............
Can you tell??
It's a GIRL!!!
Everyone, meet Reina Richmond! She rolled Excitable for her first trait and was assigned, as always, Artistic.
Sydney: "OMG I have a baby!!!"
Ozzie: "Uuuggghhhh..."
Don't you dare let Sydney see you whining like that young man!
Sydney: "Eeee! I get to put her in her crib!!!!"
Sydney: "Here you go little Reina! Sleep tight!"
Really? Really? Do *all* my CC cribs disappear when they're used? That sucks...
The next morning Reina was up early, screaming like the Richmond baby she was.
Sydney: "It's okay, I got it... Yay I get to take care of her!!!"
Such an enthusiastic mother :3
I figured Hope should start on Sydney's portrait before she died... It's looking good already!
Ozzie, being a Virtuoso, loved playing guitar. He wasn't close to as good as Jay, of course...
Ozzie: "This is how I drown out the sound of children in the house.."
Ozzie! You're terrible!
Jay: "You realize this child isn't actually biologically related to me right?"
Yes :( I'm sorry Jay! You're not included in the remaining generations' genes. I'd love to have your hair color in the gene pool... But just think of yourself as Reina's granddaddy okay?
Jay: "Okay!"
Aww :3
Muahahaha it's a black hole!!!!
Okay not really... I was building the basement and saw this. It's the underground view of the pond lol.
But isn't that what black holes are supposed to look like? As in like, they bend the fabric of spacetime or whatever? God that stuff hurts my brain...
So I finally got around to reorganizing the basement!
Here's the main room...
Including the wine-maker Liza bought in France way back when...
And a cute little sitting area which is seeming pretty dark now that I look at it...
This hallway leads to the collection rooms.
I couldn't really remember where each specific item had come from, so I put most of the unknown things in the France room. :\
All in all it obviously isn't much different than it was before... I'm thinking of adding an all-white room for portraits once we get some more money.
I also added different desks in. I figured it wasn't worth getting CC ones again in case I have to remove the CC files again or something.
These ones look almost as good though, right?
That morning it was Reina's birthday! Or, well, we were making her grow up regardless of the two days she should have had left of babyhood...
Ozzie: "One step closer to adulthood! Sweet!!!"
Julianna: "What does she see in him..."
Jay: "Yay! Go step-granddaughter!!"
Hope: "Birthday parties are starting to get really old!"
Kinda like you?
Hope: "HEY!!"
Sydney: "Shewww!"
Sydney set Reina down and proceeded to wet her pants.... *Tee hee*
Sydney: "Shut up! This is so embarrassing!"
And Reina had to age up next to her mother's urine...
AAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! She has her mommy's hair!!!!!!!
Reina: "Hewwo!"
Here she is post-makeover. I think she's ADORABLE, despite her lack of an original hairstyle... :\ But look! Non-green eyes!!! Those must be what color Tad's (Sydney and Julianna's father's) eyes are, because Julianna and Reina both have that eye color.
Reina: "Hewwo voice! You wants to sees my wocket ship?"
Aaaah cuteness overload!!!
Sydney: "Hey there baby! Mommy's gonna take you to the high chair now!"
They look so much alike <3
Reina: "Mommy, me hungy."
Sydney: "Here sweetie! Try this."
Reina: "Oooooooooo!"
Reina: "Hmm..."
Reina: "Me wike dis!"
Julianna: "You know, between gardening and working, it's a miracle you ever find the time to take pictures of me!"
I know, I know... I'm sorry! I'll try to include you more in the story.
Reina: "Hee hee! Me in high chaiw!"
Oh no, did your parents forget about you?
Sydney: "I did no such thing!"
Oh. I see.
Reina: "Ken, yew has been vewwy bad."
Reina: "We needs to pwunish yew."
Reina: "Puwl his hed off!!!"
Violent child... o.O
Julianna: "Really?? Really voice????"
Yes really!
Julianna: "I get to take care of Reina? I'm so lucky!!"
Julianna: "Good night Reina. Sleep well in your invisible crib!"
Reina: "Me no wikey da invisabal cwib."
I decided to ignore Ozzie's whining and send him to care for Reina. Everyone else was busy anyway.
Reina: "Hi daddy!"
Awww <3 How can you not love that face?
Um... Why are you running all the way to the other side of the house to use the grandparents' bathroom when you have one attached to your own bedroom?
Sydney: "Why else?..."
Sydney: "But to puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuukeeeeeee!"
Reina: "WaaahhH!!!!"
Reina: "Get me outta here!!!!"
Reina: "I will pwunch yew if yew dwon't!"
Sydney: "Look at my little angel..."
Yeah... Real angelic...
Haha I just love it when parents and toddlers make grumpy faces at the same time... xD
Sydney was trying to teach Reina to talk.
Sydney... I don't think it'll work when she's got her hand in her mouth...
Reina: "I dwon't knows what my mommy wants me to do.."
Reina: "Yes mommy? What do yew needs?"
Sydney: "Say soda!"
Reina: "Why dew yew wants me to says soda? Voice, what's wrong wif my mommy?"
I'm not quite sure, honey..
Sydney: "Say, criminals sometimes break out of their handcuffs!"
Reina: "They do?!?!"
Talk about a D: face... She looks so shocked..
Jay: "¿Qué pasa con el mundo, que está tan inmundo? ¿Qué pasa? pregunto. ¿Qué pasa? pregunto. Pregunto yo, ¿qué pasa hoy con el mundo, que está tan absurdo, que está taciturno? ¿Qué pasa que nada buena nos pasa, y la paz por aquí nunca pasa? ¿Qué pasa que sólo la guerra pasa, es lo que pasa? pregunto yo..."
I didn't know you knew Spanish! Well, that is my favorite Spanish song... "¿Qué Pasa?" by Juanes. If you understand Spanish... It has a really good message! :D
Anyway. Aww Hope is so cute when she paints... I think she looks REALLY good for a woman of 80!
Hope: "No wrinkles at all!"
Well... Almost.
And YAY!!! Hope mastered the painting skill!!!! Now she just has to master guitar and she'll have completed her LTW!
Jay was at a high enough Martial Arts skill now that he could meditate!
You see what I mean about him being absolutely the cutest old man EVER?
He started floating... Now that's interesting...
Jay! Look at you go!
Jay: "You made me lose my concentration! Aaah!"
Aawwwwwwwwwwwww, Julianna, you are such a cute little nerd :3 With the too-short pants and everything... Hahaha.
Syd's portrait is finished!!!!!!!!!! I put it in the basement hallway along with Hope's. Weird to think that Sydney is older in her portrait than Hope is in hers... Hope is a teen in her portrait, and now she's an elder... This legacy never fails to make me feel really old.
And look! Our lovely Sydney is pregnant again!!!! Syd I'm so happy!!!
Well that's a cheerful note to end on! Hope you enjoyed this double-chapter day! The next chapter should be out next weekend for anyone who's wondering :) Thanks so much to everyone who reads this! I love your feedback as well! What do you think of Reina? How about Ozzie? What are you hoping for for Syd's next baby? Do you think three's a good number of kids for this generation? I hope you comment and I'll see you next time on the Richmond legacy!