Nov 10, 2005 08:55
wow, its been a while. not that anyone reads my LJ anyway. thats probabaly a good thing.
so, i really want to bring back rollarblades. they are kick ass. someone should help me.
mcc sucks bad
i want another tattoo. and i know exactly where and what i want. but everyone thinks its a dumb idea. i dont know if i should let that hold me back.
i need a job before t-mobile comes and takes all my stuff, including my organs
i need a major... scratch that, i first need the drive to do something with my life. school seems like a waste of time and money. like im just here, but for no real reason, wondering around while everyone else is so determined.
i need a boy to love me. as pathetic as that sounds. real love. not just a boyfriend that is with me to sleep with me and make me insecure. it gets old. its so cheap and fake and insincere. i want a boy i can trust. not one that tells me i shouldnt trust him. i need to get out of this, but i just can't help myself. ernie is like a cancer i have that i just cant cut out.
my hair is far too short
someone move out with me when i find a job
i want icecream and sushi like you wouldnt understand. buy me some
i miss meg like a mother fuck
i shouldnt swear...
i know the strippers real name