Jun 08, 2006 21:00
"my world has suffered an implosion, but unlike a black hole, it does not attract what i desire... how like my falling hair things are falling away from me. like a tired planet, i have lost my gravity... things are flying away from me. i have been flying too... flying towards you, but it only gives me this vertigo."
soulmate sent me this quote yesterday. and i claim them for my own. for truly, they may as well be my own words.
i hate melodrama.. almost as much as i hate myself. but sometimes it's inescapable. especially in moments such as this :(
i've forgotten how to cry. the last time i shed tears was around 5 months ago. but he taught me how to keep everything bottled up inside. so nobody else sees how i feel. so nobody else would know. and now here i am.. almost half a year later.. unable to shed a single drop of tear. only my emoticons are capable of crying :'(
oh hell. what's the point?! i'm gonna sleep this off. and maybe.. mercifully.. i won't wake up.