Mar 30, 2004 09:42
So the funeral is Thursday. I bought her this pin last week, she didnt want kids so I found this pin with a baby carrige with an X through it. So last night at the bonfire. I was going to throw it into the fire because they were like burning her clothes and stuff.*Why do they do that?* But Chops is like, why wouuld you burn your memories of her? So I was like, hmm, maybe I will wear it like everyday to like remember her you know? So I told Pete and she said maybe I should give it to her Thursday. Like, drop it in the coffin. Woah, that was so creepy. I dont think it has really sunk in untill I wrote coffin. I cant believe she is really gone. It's so final, I wasnt even close to her, and i have been crying since Sunday. Ok, so anyway. What do you think I should do about the pin? Wear it everyday? Or Give it to her Thursday?