Movie review of the week

Oct 19, 2008 19:29

So back in the 2005 holiday season there was a movie I was seeing previews for; it was called "The Ringer". It seemed really offensive and stupid-- not that I'm opposed to an offensive movie but something about a movie where the main character rigs the special olympics by pretending to be mentally disabled turned me off. The premise seemed too dumb. Not only did it seem over the top offensive but I mean come on, its Johnny Knoxville-- all he's good for is duct taping his balls together right?


Last night at 3 am I see that "The Ringer" is playing on TBS. There's nothing else to watch, and I think Ah what the hell... it can't be THAT bad.
The movie was fantastic! I couldn't believe my eyes. Not only was it not one bit offensive but it actually made no real "retard jokes". There was nothing done at the expense of special olympians, no stupid fart jokes, and it was even uplifting when it needed to be... When it didn't need to be uplifting, however,  it was just a genuinely funny movie. Johnny Knoxville  (aside from the fact that he is a gorgeous man) did a fantastic job actually acting instead of jumping off cliffs and endangering his manhood with staplers and duct tape. I was really impressed.

So, I bought it tonight at Hollywood Video and Ashlee and I are going to watch it.

johnny knoxville, jackass, the ringer, hollywood video, tbs, late night, movies

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