Jul 15, 2007 21:24
Life would then forever be beautiful...
I just finished watching the second episode of Hana Kimi and I absolutely love it! Oguri makes a perfect Sano. Of course, so did Wu Zun... Anyway, I'm loving the series so far, even though it doesn't really stay on track with the manga at all. Oh well, Oguri is hot, Maki is adorable and the guy playing Nakatsu is fabulous, so I forgive them...
And in all honesty, I can't really compare the Taiwanese version and the Japanese version. I love them both equally. They both have their vices and virtues and I think they both have to be looked at individually in order to be enjoyed to the fullest. I mean, Ella looks more like a boy, therefore makes it a bit more believable that she got by in an all boys school. But Maki is adorable and no where near as annoying as Ella. Both Nakatsus are dead on, so there really isn't a comparison there. (Though, I thoroughly enjoyed Jiro Wang shouting at Julia "Boy-girl, no touchy!" and "I'm G-Y-A, GAY!". I'm hoping the Julia episodes in the Japanese version do not disappoint...)
The doctors both work well, though the Japanese one is a bit cuter and not nearly as scary as the Taiwanese one, but the Taiwanese one was funnier. And the Taiwanese Nanba was way hotter...Oi, I love you Danson Tang...Gotta love actors who can sing. (Wu Zun, Jiro Wang, Danson Tang...) Oh, and I noticed that Shirota Yu was in the Japanese version. He plays Sano's rival...
And then there is Sano. Honestly, I can't pick one that I like more. Wu is insanely hot, beautiful and really brings out the sweet and innocent side of Sano. Whereas, Oguri so far has done excellent on bringing out the angsty, "I'm angry" and isolated side of Sano. Plus, he makes my knees melt.
So, I can't complain. Neither series is really staying with the manga. Though I'm hoping the Japanese version ends better than the Taiwanese version. Drove me crazy. I want the big Sano-Ashiya kiss and the Sano tells her that he knows moment! Seriously! How could you possibly leave that out of the drama? It's a HUGE plot point! HUGE!
But yes, that is my opinion so far on the Japanese Hana Kimi. I just can't wait until I get my laptop so I can download the episodes instead of watching them through the internet...ugh...
oguri shun,
hana kimi