A Negative Review

Oct 24, 2009 13:27

Obviously an amateur.by Ima_Sweetie

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July 25, 2009: First of all, the setting was horridly inaccurate. I wasn't exactly sure which time period this was supposed to take place, however I assume it was in medieval times where the common folk were predominantly Christian.

The Falcon and his daughter were unbelievably invincible. What is this a comic book where they had super powers? It would've been easier to swallow if Dantalian was hurt a few times and it is unrealistic for anyone to become immune to all known poisons.

The dialogue was rubbish. The author used unnatural dialogue to describe the scenery and the story line when narrative writing would have done a much better job.

Lastly, the editing was horrible. I haven't seen this many typos since I quit teaching first grade.

All together I was sadly disappointed. My advice; take some writing classes before attempting to write another book or else just give it up all together.
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