DOLLY RAT: *runs to corner of room, chews carpet*
ME: PSSSSHT! (That means "No!" for my rats.)
DOLLY: *ignores* *chews*
DOLLY: *ignores* *chews*
DOLLY: *ignores* *chews*
ME: *grabs DOLLY, pins her on her back* Who's the boss? Who's the boss, huh?
DOLLY: *squirms*
ME: Who's the boss? Give the boss a kiss! Who's the boss?
DOLLY: *squirms*
ME: Who's the boss? I'm the boss! Give the boss a kiss! Who's the boss?
DOLLY: *licklicklick*
ME: That's right! I'm the boss! Be good! Noooo chewing!! *puts DOLLY down*
DOLLY RAT: *runs to corner of room, chews carpet*
In other news, after a night of insomnia and nosebleeds, I am as full of bitterness and self-pity as a Pink Floyd song. My one bright spot (or should I say, my one bright spot that does not chew the carpet) is the fact that I'm still giggling over yesterday's exchange with
theodicy, wherein I passed along the term "wankerchief" and received in return the word "twatwaffle.".