You Know You're From Florida When...
You own at least five pairs of flip flops
You know someone who's been struck by lightning
You're more scared of the freaks who live down the street than gators
Your backyard is sometimes a swamp
You're officially sick of Disney
You shrug off hurricane warnings
You've been permanently blinded by fat men in speedos
There are only two seasons - hot and hotter
You've drank a flaming alligator.
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Florida.
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Blogthings Actually I own 8 pairs of flip flops...
Had to move all the freakin' lawn furniture back into the yard at like 8 am this morning. Not my idea of a good wake up call. There weren't even any fallen trees or anything...what a waste of a perfectly good hurricane warning, haha. Anyway today I have to go pick up school supplies and go by work and find out if they're actually going to put me on the schedule or just continue to have me on the payroll without actually having me do anything. Also have to get my check signed from last week because Ms. Lita didn't sign yea hopefully she'll be there today. Then I haven't decided what I'm doing...but I assure you I'm doing something...
xo, Julie