Jan 13, 2008 00:32
I think I will cry if it is already taken.
That would really, really suck although I suppose I should be ready to face it, that always happens. ;___; I hate when I go to work and come back and then someone has boughten something I really wanted. sgfnjagnakjg ALWAYS.
Work was pretty okay today~ I like working Saturdays. :D I also got a free drink from Starbucks, so that's pretty neat.
I am never going to finish this study guide plus the essay. D: *dies* My goal for by Monday is to get 20-30 questions done.
I seem to be having these really weird Gundam Wing Fanfiction urges that past few weeks. I have never seen the anime before. 8D;; But I know most of the storyline due to the fanfics. Hardcore 3x4 shipper, and I love 1x2(HATE 2x1!!!!!!). Yeah~~