Jan 10, 2005 21:46
Back 2 School Bitches!
Back to school again which means...New Classes! HOORAY! These are my classes for this semester:
-American History Honors
-Spanish III
-Band VI ADV
I didnt know that Spanish III and Pre-Calculus are honors classes...Oh well Im not complaining :) More Honors classes = Higher GPA! w00t
Throughout the day I was incredibly tired. I went to sleep at 2:00am because I couldnt fall asleep. And it wasnt because I was excited about school. I fell asleep in Pre-Calculus when we were given a pre-test that didnt really even count as a grade. So I basically BS'ed it and went to sleep. When I woke up I saw other people sleeping so I went back to sleep again. I <3 SLEEP.
I have Tricia and Ben in my Spanish III class and I cant wait to here them speak spanish. Since Tricia is so gynormously loud Im sure shes gonna keep me entertained with her "spanish speaking skills".
We added some more people to our band circle at lunch. We have Andy now and maybe somebody else. I dont really remember because I was talking to some other friends who also have B lunch this semester.
Its good to be back in the band room again. We sounded like total garbage today but it was good to be with my friends again. I love you guys :D
Oh well even though I have new classes and I get to see my friends again, school still sucks, and it always will.