Jan 30, 2005 15:31
Men in long black jackets with collars worn up. Women in dark colors with handkerchiefs pressed to their mouths. A burial on a cold day in January amidst a sea of white tombstones. There were three other 21 gun salutes that went off as we milled around after my grandfather's ceremony, not including the salute fired to honor his service. Are we going to run out of veterans some day?
Anyway, it was a very good service. Although I remember my grandfather wearing a cross, he wasn't a particularly religious man in the sense that he wasn't a regular church-goer and didn't speak of his beliefs openly. Our family's priest came and gave a very non-descript christian burial speech which I found to be very well done. Although I struggle with religion, I would like to think that my beliefs with solidify as I grow older in one direction or another. I'm assured that my grandfather will rest well and is in a much better place right now.
The day was also very good for familial healing. My mother and her sister, who haven't spoken in years were able to begin talking again. We went out to lunch with her, her husband (my uncle? I guess...), and my cousin Michael. My other cousin Jeremy was not able to attend. Lunch went well and my dad invited them to come over for more conversation and what not. Unfortunately, I had to get back to school for a patient interview so I could not head home with them. It was great to see them all again (and meet Frank, my new uncle (divorces + remarriages = I have a couple uncles of sorts that I've never met/will never meet)). They actually ended up spending the night instead of driving home, so hopefully this is the start of my mom and her sister speaking again. I hope so.
If you get a chance and have the means to do so, get your hands on a copy of the song "Don't Save Us From the Flames" by M83. It's absolutely gorgeous. It's very reminiscent of My Bloody Valentine-type stuff with a little 80's new wave thrown in. The new album has portions that lag, but it's almost worth getting if not for that song and another called "Teen Angst." Those two songs alone could be the soundtrack to anything you wanted.