Oct 12, 2004 02:08
An interpretation of a variation on a common theme.
Apricots. The smell struck my nostrils as I stretched my body to breathe all of you in. You had brushed past me minutes ago, your strawberry blonde hair swishing across your shoulders in wave after wave of falling layers, but here I stood... like a lost child in a cross walk... mesmerized by your presence in this world. This city reeks with a fetid stench that seeps through the cracks in the pavement... the city exhales this disgusting aroma, belching it out of sewer mains and street gutters. And we're so enraptured by it... encapsulated and bound while it chokes the life out of our lungs...
...and I cannot continue the charade... There never was a You. There never was a girl smelling of apricots who cut a swath through this disgusting world, trailing such beauty behind her. There never was a stop in traffic, a heart-dropping occurrence, a take-a-picture-'cause-it-will-last-you-longer moment... No, there weren't any of those. Just more and more of this feeling lost in the middle of the road, in the middle of the street, in the middle of the crosswalk... And sooner or later, I imagine that I will be awakened by the loud honk of a car horn, asking me to resume my pace along this blind trajectory... and I will, because what do we ever do but oblige and carry on... And it curls my stomach into knots, forcing the acid into my throat so that my esophagus burns for days... And it curls my body into knots, forcing me to awaken bleary-eyed for classes after restless nights of sleep... And I could just sit with my head in my hands for hours because I don't feel like this is an utmost priority for me right now... but time is such a valuable currency and I already feel like my assets are running dry...
So welcome to the juxtaposition.
I've resigned myself to feeling confused, disrupted, and utterly lost, and I have garnered a significant collection of acts of sheer idiocy, but I am tired of jeopardizing the rest of the world. Perhaps a small respite from all things stupid is necessary to make sure I still have a place in this world. And sure, it doesn't make sense... but it still feels cathartic nonetheless, and that never hurt anyone...