Let’s see what my goals were for 2021!
2021 Goal Scorecard
Continue caregiving for Lut: Sure did!
Grade: A+, with extra credit for dealing with ordering specialty medications again and again.
Publish two books: I did! I released The Lord, His Monster, and Their Lady in June, and You Thought You Wanted to Be Level 99, But Really You Wanted to Be a Better Person in November.
I had to go back through my blog to find out what my first release of the year was. It feels so long ago. O_o
Grade: A
Finish drafting two books: Technically, I finished three drafts: Angel’s Grace, You Thought You Wanted to Be Level 99, But Really You Wanted to Be a Better Person, and A Game to You. Angel’s Grace was like three-quarters drafted when I started the year, but still, it counts.
Grade: A+
Continue to track food & exercise: This fell apart a few times, especially at the end of November and in December. But I tracked for a good 80-90% of the days in the year.
Grade: B+, you tried.
Post monthly updates: Every month!
Grade: A
Put month & year goal list in your bullet journal so you'll actually remember to look at it. Also, look at it: I did put the goals into my bullet journal spreadsheet, and I did look at them now and again. I didn’t quite make ‘every month’, much less ‘on a regular basis’, but it happened.
Grade: B+
Stretch Goals
Make an art every month. Part of an art counts if it's a complicated art:
So I was erratic about this one. I did more than the usual number of finished paintings in 2021, mostly from “Joy of Painting” videos. And I practiced more than usual; I started using Adorkastock’s sketch app for figure drawing practice during the Craft & Chat. On the other hand, I did nothing at all art-related in April, and I didn’t do anything but sketches in December, and I did some color work in November but hated it all.
I was gonna just say “no, I didn’t do this one” but I feel like I actually nailed the spirit of the goal. I worked on illustrations! I even did some intentional practice instead of just drawing or painting things and hoping I’d learn something from it!
So, no, I can’t do a nice “here’s one art piece from each month” collage, but whatever. I worked on this. It counts.
Grade: A for effort, you did good
Finish outlines for two books: Technically, I did four outlines: Level 99, A Game to You, and Alien Peacelords, plus I revamped The Twin Etheriums outline. I do not plan to write The Twin Etheriums based on the existing outline, but hey, it counts.
Grade: A+, you overachieved on a stretch goal, congrats.
Read 12 books:
*Non-Player Character by Victoria Corva
*Spells, Snow, and Sky by CoffeeQuills
*Micro Science Fiction by O Westin
*The Fall of Lord Drayson
*India After Gandhi
*Looking for Group
*Boyfriend Material
*Definitely Maybe Yours
*Coracle by MCA Hogarth
*Clockwork Boys by T. Kingfisher
So eleven titles, one of which is a novella and another is a collection of microfics. This gets an honorable mention because I did read more than I did in 2019 & 2020, though.
Grade: C, whatever, it was a stretch goal anyway.
Write 50 blog posts: I posted forty-nine blog entries, but I wrote a few that I never posted, so I score this one on a technicality.
Grade: A
For next year, mostly reusing last year’s goals.
Goals for 2022
- Continue caregiving for Lut
- Publish two books
- Finish drafting two books
- Finish outlining two books
- Track food & exercise, on most days
- Post monthly updates.
- Put month & year goal list in my bullet journal so I'll remember to look at it. Also, look at it.
Stretch Goals
- Practice illustration on some kind of regular basis.
- Paint
- Read at least a few pages of a book I didn’t write, on most days
- Keep track of how many books I finish or DNF
- Exercise 15+ times per month
- Use bullet journal to track what I’ve done, on most days
- Promote my books a little
- Write 50 blog posts
I’m using “most days” because I found that if I’m supposed to do something “daily” then the first day I break the streak makes me way more likely to stop doing it entirely. Aiming for something like “300 out of 365 days”. More is better, less is acceptable.
This entry was originally posted at
https://rowyn.dreamwidth.org/2022/01/03/2021inreview.html. Please comment there using