November 2021 in Review

Dec 01, 2021 16:58


I cooked for Thanksgiving this year, for the first time since 2016. Lut and I used to cook tons of food together every Christmas, for just the two of us, but he hasn't been up to cooking since his diagnosis in 2017. I decided to do much of the cooking on my own this year, because none of the catering options have been satisfying. We went minimalist on some things -- I got a pre-cooked turkey -- and skipped some of our less-beloved usuals. But we still had leftovers for several days.

Anyway, I stopped tracking food because it was too annoying to figure out how much I was eating. I stopped making an effort to exercise in November, too. I nonetheless exercised ten times, which kind of surprises me. My habit of 'exercise after work as long as I don't have other plans' remains strong even without much driving force behind it. Twice a week isn't much, but it's better than nothing.


I won NaNoWriMo!

I finished the draft of A Game to You and immediately trunked it because oh man it's the messiest draft. I put more work into outlining and worldbuilding A Game to You than any previous book, and it still wasn't close to enough work. I don't know whether I want to expand it so that the huge cast has room to breathe and be distinguishable, or if I want to cut out half the characters. One way or another, It needs Way Too Much editing. It needs so much editing that I'm willing to edit Angel's Grace now because it looks easy by contrast. o.o;;;

But! I finished it! After writing 50,021 new words. Total draft is around 121,000.

I started writing Alien Peacelords but only got to 3646 words on it. A Game to You ran longer than I expected, although not by that much.

The Business of Writing

I released You Thought You Wanted to Be Level 99, But Really You Wanted to Be a Better Person! kermitflail

I even made an effort to keep talking about it after release instead of putting up a release post and letting it flounder along on its own. n.n


This is on the list of things I stopped doing because Nanowrimo. I will return to it in December!


Courtesy of the online Saturday Craft & Chat meet-up, this wasn't one of the things I stopped doing in because Nanowrimo. I didn't finish any pictures I liked this month, but I did a bunch of practice sketches using Adorkastock's sketch app. My Surface's tablet pen stopped working mysteriously two weeks ago. I'd hoped the battery was dead, but replacing the battery did not revive it. I am not sure what other trouble-shooting steps are available, but I should probably do something before I give up and replace it. Cheap tablet pens are not good for drawing, sadly, so it'll be spendy to get a new one.


I attended Contra KC 2021! I had gotten my booster shot on the Wednesday before the con started, and I was still kind of worn out during the con. So I didn't spend as much time as I usually do at the convention, but I did stay late on Saturday evening for the room parties, and saw a lot of old con-friends I've not seen since 2019. It was good. ♥


I learned a new game with
terrycloth, Deus. We only played it once. It was promising, though. I expect we’ll play it again sometime.

November Goal Score Card
  • Assist Lut: Done!
  • WIN NANOWRIMO: Yes I did this thing. \o/

Stretch Goals Scorecard:

November did not have stretch goals, because Nanowrimo + day job + caregiving is enough.

November Goals
  • Assist Lut
  • Visit parents (I have tickets for this trip on Friday!)
  • Give Xmas gifts
  • Work on the Alien Peacelords outline and create a spreadsheet with word count estimate for it.
  • Get Angel’s Grace to 40% complete on edits (it’s at 14.75% now)
  • Fix or replace tablet pen

Stretch Goals:
  • Read through A Game to You.
  • Make an editing list for A Game to You.
  • Work on notes/outline for a different book
  • Exercise 17 times this month
  • Consumption tracking
  • Make an art
  • Work on cover art for Demon’s Alliance and/or Angel’s Grace
  • Practice art
  • Post six blog entries, apart from my usual month-in-review.
  • Finish revisions on Demon’s Alliance
  • Finish revisions on Angel’s Grace
  • Maintain bullet journal
  • Learn a new game
  • Finish reading a book I haven’t read before

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nyr 2021, nyr

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