July 2021 in Review

Aug 07, 2021 13:02


I did all right until I went to visit Terrycloth in the Seattle area, and then I spent a week pretty much ignoring all my fitness goals and eating large quantities of delicious food when I wasn’t hungry.

So that was fun, but not sustainable. XD It was great to eat at all those restaurants that aren’t available in my area, though, and Terry likes a bunch of ethnic foods that Lut doesn’t care for, so it’s nice to get all of those when I see him.

Anyway, no regrets. But now that I am home, I have renewed my resolve against eating food when I’m not hungry. (This always seems like it should be easy, and somehow it isn’t.)


I started writing A Game to You! At long last! Official first day of writing (as opposed to outlining and all the other preliminary stuff) was July 16. I’m not sure how much I wrote in July proper, because I didn’t track the writing I did while travelling until I got home. I’m putting it down as 21,000 words for July and counting the rest for August -- about 16% of the way through the outline. I didn’t write a significant amount while I was actually visiting Terry, but I wrote 4000 or so words while on the plane to and from Seattle.

The Business of Writing

I wrapped up the last bits on You Thought You Wanted to Be Level 99 But Really You Wanted to Be a Better Person in July, and it is now in Alinsa’s hands for layout. \o/


I got back into the habit of reading books in July, though I skipped a few days while I was on vacation. I started a few books and DNF’d them, then finished an M/F regency romance. I’m now working on an M/M contemporary romance that I’ll probably finish.


I did some of this in July! I finished the Shirt Cut Meme, featuring several little pictures of Frost. And I did some random sketching, plus some sketching for characters in A Game to You. Some of my friends have started doing a “Craft and Chat” on Saturdays, so we’ve been meeting up on Discord to use video chat and draw or crochet or work on maps or whatever


I learned a new game while visiting Terry, before July ended! We went to visit his friend Tom while we were there, and played Tang Garden, a game about designing a garden for the emperor and his court during the Tang Dynasty. It’s a game with good production values: you get to put tiles and little gazebos and trees and stand-up tiles to represent mountains and waterfalls and things in the distance. We played two games. I’m not sure how much I like the mechanics of the game, but it’s fun to play in a purely aesthetic way.

I thought Terry had taught me a new game in August, too, but I can’t remember what it was now. Maybe I’m thinking of Le Havre, which we’d played before, but it had been long enough that neither of us remembered much about it. Except the starvation part. So many mouths to feed. o_o

July Goal Scorecard
  • Assist Lut: done!
  • Look at goal list occasionally: done!
  • Finish final edits for Level 99: done!
  • Write some new fiction: done!

Stretch goals
  • Work on notes/outlines for A Game to You: Yep, did some of that.
  • Start writing A Game to You: done! First draft about 17% complete.
  • Exercise 20 times this month: so close but no. I think 18 times? I kind of fell down on this towards the end of the month.
  • _Consumption tracking+: I skipped tracking while on vacation, but otherwise done
  • Make an art: Done! I finished the Shirt Cut Meme.
  • Practice art: Did this too, with some sketches.
  • Post a few blog entries, apart from my usual month-in-review: Only two posts, but it counts.
  • Maintain bullet journal: Didn’t track while I was on vacation, but otherwise done.
  • Learn a new game: done! Tang Garden.
  • Finish reading a book I haven’t read before: done! The Fall of Lord Drayson, by Rachel Anderson.

August Goals
  • Assist Lut
  • Look at goal list occasionally
  • Write more of A Game to You

Stretch goals
  • Get A Game to You to 50% complete.
  • Work on notes/outline for a different book
  • Exercise 20 times this month
  • Consumption tracking
  • Make an art
  • Work on cover art for Demon’s Alliance and/or Angel’s Grace
  • Practice art
  • Post a few blog entries, apart from my usual month-in-review.
  • Finish revisions on Demon’s Alliance
  • Start revisions on Angel’s Sigil
  • Maintain bullet journal
  • Learn a new game
  • Finish reading a book I haven’t read before

Too many of my stretch goals are recurring goals. o_o;;

This entry was originally posted at https://rowyn.dreamwidth.org/662089.html. Please comment there using OpenID.
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