Fellwater First Draft Complete! Also, poll questions

Aug 01, 2020 13:57

I finished the first draft of Fellwater. At some point between 2017 and 2020, I cleaned up some of the big issues in the draft. (I have no real recollection of doing this. Thank you, Past Rowyn.) It still needs significant edits, though.

I will not edit Fellwater immediately; I'll finish initial edits on The Lord, His Monster, and Their Lady first, at the least.

I'm not sure I will edit Fellwater at all. Fellwater is 120,000 words of queer polyamorous fantasy kink erotica. There's some romance and plot, but it's about 75% BDSM and sex scenes. Way, way more sex than any of my other books. I'd have to release it under a new pen name. As an added bonus, I think Amazon puts erotica into a ghetto that doesn't show up for search results. I don't even know if I can get more than one person to be a first reader for it.

Which brings me to the reason for this post: I want to gauge the level of interest in seeing the book published.


"Bit dramatic, don't you think?" Aisha examined Mikayla's plans for her newest virtual-reality kink erotica scenario.

"My original plan was to fuel magic with kink," Mikayla answered, "but then I thought, why stop there? The boys love drama."

Only Fellwater Manor, ruled by the mysterious Lady, has the magical might to prevent a demonic invasion that could destroy all life in their world. And only through relentless sexualized abuse can the knights of Fellwater maintain that reserve of power.

"Love the uniform." Aisha ogled an image of a handsome man wearing nothing but a golden collar, ankle and wrist cuffs, and a chastity cage. "So what sort of abuse are you planning?"

"Let's see: chastity devices, obviously, and teasing/denial to go with that. Humiliation, pet play, voyeurism/exhibitionism, magic-powered toys, bondage (of course!). Spanking! Maybe some other physical punishments if the boys want them. Kieran specified that he wants his prince character raped often, so plenty of that. And Cheng wants a cuckold-style scene, where his character has to watch someone else screw the woman he wants, so at least one of those."

Cheyant has spent his entire life training to become the perfect servant. All he has ever wanted is to serve: to subsume himself in the desires of another. Since the day that a Fellwater knight arrived in his village and cured everyone of a deadly plague, the one place he has wished to serve is Fellwater.

But can any amount of warning or training prepare him for the reality of Fellwater?

Prince Kortandav lived a life of privilege, until the day when his sister the queen was assassinated in a palace coup, and the prince locked into a dungeon cell. Even if he escaped, he is too recognizable to hide for long. Now, his only hope for safety is to pose as an indentured servant and be sold to Fellwater: Fellwater, where the Lady grants even the lowest of her staff an attractive new face and body.

"You forgot transformation," Aisha said. "In your list of abuses."

"Oops. Well, it's not very abusive. And they'll still be human. Mostly human. 95% human. Is that still kinky?"

"Yes. Wait, you're doing pet play in a setting with transformation and you're not turning anyone into an animal?"

"Look, I love pet play, but to us, humans are a lot sexier than animals."

The Rules of Fellwater protect every member of the Lady's household from physical harm -- but not from any other form of abuse.

And a dignified prince accustomed to the ways of command may find it difficult indeed to adhere to someone else's Rules ....

"Going to get a lot of mileage out of this setting, are you?"

"Oh, I certainly hope so!"

In case the blurb isn't clear:

Mikayla is the GM for a kink-centered virtual reality RPG: Fellwater. The main players are her lovers, Cheng and Kieran, although some of their other friends/lovers also participate in some scenes. The vast majority of the book is fully in-character and immersive, with the events depicted as real. Out-of-character conversations between the participants are all indented and italicized, as in the blurb above.

The participants-in-a-game framework exists solely to make it clear that This Book Is Not Intended to Depict Actual Slavery and Rape. It is not realistic in any sense of the word. Readers with an attitude of "hi, I enjoy nonconsensual kink fantasies and I am aware that no actual humans were harmed over the course of writing this book and any real people involved fully consented to doing so" can skip reading the italicized scenes and only read the in-character story: it is self-contained and stands alone. For readers (like me!) who feel "I can't enjoy a scene that looks like noncon unless I know the participants are only pretending": the framework is there for you.

I mean, I think it is a little weird that I need the framework, but the book became much easier to finish once I decided to write out the framework parts instead of just imagining that there was an RP structure around the scenes I was writing. Yes, I needed to make fictional characters who are pretending to be other fictional characters to whom all the bad stuff happens before I could feel the whole thing was reasonable. Yes, that's pretty meta.

Now, to the poll!

If you don't have a Dreamwidth account but want to vote, feel free to leave a comment (anonymous comments are on and all comments are screened). You can also message me on Twitter or the fediverse, or use my gmail account, ladyrowyn.

Updated to add: most of the story is femdom and male subs, but there's various other gender configurations in lesser quantities. Out-of-character, the participants are switches with leanings one way or the other rather than always one role.

View poll: Fellwater Market
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