May 2020 in Review

Jun 03, 2020 08:59

This Month WHY

So my cat died, one of my closest online friends has a serious brain-related health problem, the militarized police state in America continues to murder people, and also assault people for being upset about all the murdering, and oh hey remember the pandemic! Still got that, too!
Other than that, things are not fine, because there's a list of additional horrors that I can't even remember because they got displaced by all the most recent ones.

I don't have anything constructive to say about any of the horrors. If you have a favorite stop-horrors-from-happening organization, leave me a link in the comments.
 Now I'm going to write my personal little month-in-review thing anyway because why not. It doesn't make a difference, but nothing else does either.

Calorie consumption was about the same as in April, and exercise even lower -- I'm down to less than half of my peaks in December and January. Motivation is close to zero. Somehow, I am still exercising after work. I don't know why that habit remains when all the other habits have been eradicated. I gained a pound and a half in May.

While I was out walking in May, a car slowed down near me and a couple of Pokemon GO players made friendly noises at me from within it, and I am clinging to this memory as a bulwark against the two randos who've screamed at me because I was walking around outside. But outside is still terrible and I don't want to go there anymore. I've been trying to do aerobics videos instead. They are brutal and I kind of hate them.

There's a pseudoscience weight-loss gimmick where you're supposed to only eat food during an 8-hour window each day, and fast for the other 16 hours of each day/night. I never tried it before because it'd mean eating 2-3 meals during work hours, but in May I realized that since I'm working from home, and only 7 hours, it'd be somewhat feasible. I started trying it on 5/20 and I don't really think this is having anything but mildly negative effects on me. Mostly it means that I don't eat when I'm hungry in the morning and then I eat a bunch when I'm not hungry in the afternoon, so that I won't be hungry in the evening. So just completely ignoring my body's signals about food. The whole thing feels like a terrible plan, to be honest. It's not clear whether or not it works for me as a weight-loss technique -- I'm down half a pound since I started it -- but I stopped it yesterday anyway. There are lots of ways to lose weight that do not require dysfunctional eating habits.

I wrote 16,300 words of The Lord, His Monster, and Their Lady this month, which is now up to 90,000 words and almost finished. Another 5000-7000 words to go, I think.  This one is going to need more revising than Spark of Desire. It just occurred to me in the shower that I could completely re-do the climax in a way that might be more entertaining.

The Business of Writing
Alinsa finished the initial pass on The Twilight Etherium, and I am almost done with the final read-through. Cover layout is still pending, though. Might be done this month? I don't know.

I drew a portrait of Whispers Rain, one of The Twilight Etherium protagonists.  I am not particularly happy with it, but hey, drew a thing.

"World of Lightness" was on hiatus for a week or so due to personal issues, but is back on again. I haven't kept track of how many words I've written for it this month, though.

Goals for Next Month
Try not to dig even deeper into the pit of bottomless despair that is this timeline
Help Lut
Finish writing first draft of The Lord, His Monster, and Their Lady

Stretch Goals
Do some art/sketching at least once per week
Decide what next writing project will be? (I don't know what I'm going to write next! This is very exciting.)Maybe work on writing the next thing?
Maybe do some reading?
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nyr 2020, nyr

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