Sun Porch of

Apr 01, 2018 17:44

When my house was originally built, it had a basement but no interior staircase, only an exterior door. At some point before I bought the house 15 years ago, amateurs added an extension, pretty much for the sole purpose of enclosing a stairwell to the basement. It has electric lights but no outlets and no heat. The shingles from the original exterior are still in place on the inner wall of the extension. There's some space in addition to the stairs, but it's pretty much an overgrown hall. On the main floor, in the space behind the stairwell that was billed as a "sun porch", we put the cat's litter boxes and a bunch of miscellaneous junk we don't have any other place for and never use.

Several days ago, I came home to find an enormous pool of liquid in the middle of the floor in the cat's area, surrounded by litter boxes. It looked like water and had no odor I could detect. It looked like more liquid than one cat could reasonably contain. The ceiling and all walls were dry. The puddle did not extend to the walls.


I cleaned it up. Maybe Lut or I had sleep-walked, spilled a glass of water there, put the glass away, and left the puddle. I got nothin'.

The puddle has not returned since.

Today, I went to clean the litter boxes. A dying wasp was on the floor among the litter boxes. I stepped on it to finish off the dying process.

Then I noticed another dying wasp.

And a wasp corpse. And another wasp corpse. And


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