The Saga of the Yard

Sep 01, 2017 20:39

Thursday: Number of people who are supposed to come look at my yard and give me a quote: 2.
Number of people who actually come: 0.
Number of contacts I get: also 0.

I'm not even mad any more. Whatever. I will start on my own yard tomorrow night and do a few hours a day until it's done. I'm on vacation next week anyway, and even if I go to ProgPower that's only Wed-Sun that I'll be gone, at most.

Friday morning: one of the people who was supposed to come Thursday contacts me and says she had a friend pass away Thursday, but she'll come this afternoon. Well, that's a pretty good excuse. Okay.
Friday 1PM: Another text: "almost done with this property, will head towards yours soon.
Friday 6:15PM: I haven't heard from her since 1PM. I text to ask if she's been by, then drive home. Don't hear from her on the drive home. Welp. I feed the cat, and go out to do yardwork. I move out some of the giant fallen branches off the lawn, then figure I should see if the lawn tractor will start. It starts! I still am not sure how to make it mow, but hey, maybe this will work. I get the loppers and go out to clear the front porch of overgrowth so I can see if UPS delivered anything to my front porch.
While I am there, at about 7PM, LawnWoman appears! She made it! She is apologetic about the many delays. I show her around my massively overgrown lawn. She takes pictures. She gives me a quote. It is a lot, but it is still less than it would've cost to have a lawn service for the last three months, so eh, okay. I hire her.

She is supposed to come tomorrow with a crew. She may finish tomorrow, or might finish Sunday, depending how things go. Given how things have gone so far, I am not super convinced I will get a trimmed and mowed yard by Monday, but we'll see! Maybe.

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life, lawn care is the worst

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