I set a release date for The Moon Etherium, my magic-rich fantasy romance: September 26!
That means it's time to freak out about the cover some more!
So I spent like 20 hours working on a painting for the cover several weeks ago. I have become increasingly less happy with it. I tweaked a few things about it that particularly bothered me, and I'm okay with it now. But I'm not sure it's the best possible choice.
I fiddled with some alternates a couple of weeks ago, and while my quick Twitter poll favored one of them, I kind of hated it. I decided to do some more variants on the same general theme. I actually did five total, but I'm only showing the one I like best here. And a poll, of course. Because poll.
The lettering is a placeholder, so don't worry about that part.
alinsa will be doing the actual text layout. I just threw some words on so it would look cover-ish.
Poll The Moon Etherium Cover