Call for Beta Readers for The Moon Etherium

May 27, 2016 07:31

I am almost done* with my first round of edits on The Moon Etherium. So I am looking for beta readers!


As prince of the Sun Etherium, Mirohirokon has everything: immortality, invulnerability, and the aetheric power to be anything he desires, to satisfy almost any desire.

But the one thing aether cannot give him is his father's freedom. For a chance to win that, he will have to give up everything, and trust that the woman he loves will not betray him.

Even after he betrays her.

The Moon Etherium is a fantasy M/F romance in a magic-rich setting.  It has a strong fantasy action/adventure plotline in addition to the romance (unlike, say, A Rational Arrangement or Further Arrangements, which I consider to have romance-only plots). There is some explicit sex. It's about 118,000 words (400ish paperback pages)

No one has read this book yet but me!  This is so weird. I'm interested in:
  • General feedback
  • Spelling/grammar/editing artifact errors
  • Continuity errors
  • Overused words
  • Confusing text: (eg, if you find yourself confused about what's going on, or what this word the characters keep using means in the context of the story, or things of that nature)
If you'd like to beta-read it, please leave a comment with your email address! Comments are screened**.  Or you can send an email/private message/whatever. I will be sending a link to Google Docs, so please provide a Google-enabled email address.

I'd like to receive feedback in the next couple of weeks.

I'll pick a handful of readers for the first pass, and possibly more for a second, depending on how many revisions I make after the first.

I'll be sending out invitations either today (Friday) or tomorrow.

Thank you!

* ie, "ready to give up on"
** (*double-checks*) Really, they are!

writing about writing

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