So my Bumble got a ground hog today. I don't know if he hurt it or anything but it was weird, and it frightened me, because not only do I not want him killing things, but some of those things have pretty big teeth, and I don't want him to be bitten by one. I let him in the back yard after I got back from running and I saw him bending over something. So I though, "uh oh maybe he killed something." He was a master squirrel hunter back in the day when we lived in Fallston. So anyways, I went outside to investigate and Bumble was lying in the grass on his stomache watching something and I got to him and saw that there was a groundhog about 4 feet away from us. He was lying down and making this funny nose. I can't even describe it, it was like a mix between chirping and growling and he wasn't moving just kind of standing his ground so to speak. It was like they were having a stare-off or something. So I scooped Bumble up and took him inside and he made these squeaking noises like I was killing him or something, so all of the neighbors probably think I am an animal taunter. By the time I went back out to check on the groundhog it was gone, so I hope Bumble didn't do any serious damage but you never know. I guess we need to watch him more when we let him go out, since we have a whole groundhog family under our shed. And lots of squirrels, but he doesn't care about them, because he likes stalking groundhogs more. Silly dog.
Fuzzy picture of baby groundhog:
Well before that I had a pretty awesome day. Mexican for lunch (food that is not an actual Mexican). Then there was the mall. I had an American Eagle coupon, plus things were very on sale, so it was nice. Got a pretty awesome pair of jeans that were marked down to 20 before I even used my coupon and panties were on sale too and they were cute too. Weeeeee! So I got a skirt, 5 new pairs of underwear,and a nice shirt for less than 60 dollars. And if Seth reads this he will probably shake his head, since he knows that I own too many clothes. I don't really go shopping a whole lot anymore, cause I try to save money, but I also didn't get rid of many clothes that I wore in high school either, and about 50% of my clothes I hardly ever wear, but for whatever reason I keep them because I feel like sometime I might want to. And after the mall I came home and cleaned the house, changed and went running on the Cumberland canal. It was pretty nice out there, and I managed to keep up with Emmie and Amanda for most of the way even though both of them run competitively in college. 5.5 miles just under 8 minute pace, is pretty good for me, needless to say I am pretty pleased with myself=D
Oh, and a week from now I leave Frostburg....