(no subject)

Feb 28, 2005 17:58


.name: laura tooman
.birthday: march 3
.age: 15
.school you go to: sacred heart
.job: student
.best friend: uh... NICOLE!!! lol
.bf/gf?: yea!!


.Hair color: brown/red/darkkbrown/black
.Hair style: longish
.When was the last time you washed it?: yesteerday morning
.Clothes: red pants and a blink shirt that ive been wearing for 2days... im sick.. im not taking the time to change
.Undies: white and blue strtiped from victorias
.Make up: what makeup.. im sick.. no care
.Song: let me love you- mario
.Thinking about: how my throat hurts


.Mom's name: kathy
.Dad's name: patrick
.Siblings?: none!!
.Do you get along with your siblings: ^^
.If you're an only child, do you like it?: pfft. no
.do you like going to your grandparents house?: what grandparents


.name of the person you like/are going out with: vinnie
.why do you like him/her? : well i wouldnt be going out with him if i didnt like him
.is there anything about them that you don't like?: he swears to much.
.do you think you love this person?: mhmm
.what do you think about love?: i think its a good thing
.what do you think about soul mates?: i think there there.. but there hard to find
.what do you think about sex before marriage?: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO>.. NEVER.. well.. if you want to... w/e but that how STD's are transmitted.

.do you meet most of your friends at school?: um.. yeah.. i gues... not really
.Which of your friends gets on your nerves the most?: KB.. hahah jk.
.Why?: becuase she bitches all the time... not like i dont lol
.List all your friends: ugh.. too time consuming
.How many is that?: about.... 10
.Do you hang out with them on a regular basis?: does school count?
.place the above people in the following catagories: too time consuming
....Best friends:^^
....Close Casuals:^^^^
.do you think you're popular?: pfft no
.Does it matter to you whether you're popular or not?: it would be nivce to be popular.. but no.. i dont want to be

.What was said to you this week that you can't stop thinking about?: what Dr. Oniel said to me..
.Who said it?: Dr Oniel
.Why did they say it?: cuz i was at the doctors..
.Why does this stick out above everything else said to you this week?: um.... it was just wierd... and unexpected
.What was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you?: 'i think your beutiful and all the skinny girls are usually bitches'
.What was the nicest thing you've ever told someone?: that i love them
.Has anyone ever confessed that they LIKE you?: yes
.Have you ever confessed that you like someone else?: yes
.do you have trouble expressing your emotions or saying the hard stuff?: no


.What time do you wake up in the morning?: 5:30
.What time does work/school start for you?: 7:45
.What do you usually do after school/work?: eat.. go home... do hw... sleep.. internet
.What do you do in your spare time?: sparetime? homework... internet
.Why do you like it?: i dont...
.Do you procrastinate or do you get your work in on time? : being a ASH girl is sign for procrastination
.Is the way you look important to you?: uh.. sometimes.... then other times i just dont give
.What do you have issues with (list all): oh god... um.. trust... friends... people.... myself... my parents.... um. theres lots..
.What do you think of Abercrombie?: it started off as a fishing and hunting store for MEN. and now its some SLUT SHOP.
.What is the one thing you'd like to accomplish in your life?: get married and have some kids..
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