So yeah Im just here bored, with a paper due in 9 1/2 hours that I havent started on. I'd rather update this damn journal then write my essay on depression. An essay on depression! Why shouldnt i be an expert on the topic? Well it's not that easy, I'll get to it eventually. It's not like I dont have examples, I have my roommate for one, hes dead (suicide). Anyways the emo cow image made me chuckle for a while, It'd b cool to have a shirt like that.
Well anyways college right now is easy, its just doing all the work that doesnt allow to get the grades I'm capable of getting. I'm satisfied with a C now, something I really didnt put up with in high school. Ive also gotten really lazy, I only get up when I have to, I've gain alot of weight. I'm also drinking way more than before, I think I drink a alittle too much. Well I dont drink constantly but when I do I drink to the point where I black out and pass out somewhere. I'm also going to more parties than before, parties are fun, you meet random people that talk to you about the most random shit ever. My life is ok I guess you can say, well at least at the moment. I have a triple room to myself since my other roommate moved out, Im doing better in school, and I'm meeting more people now. As for my so called "love life", well I have no girlfriend so yeah but I think its better this way. Why commit when there's so much out there? There is this one girl whom I'm willing to commit but yeah I'm still kind of iffy about it. My friends call me a pussy because I wont ask her out but hey I can give a rats ass, I'm the one who's making the decision. Theyre just trying to get me back for shit talking but hey thats what I do. I wouldnt be me if I wasnt a constant shit talker. Yeah anyways I agreed to ask her out before this quarter ends, I'm sure I will, it doesnt hurt to try but then again I hate taking unnecessary risks.
I think its going to start getting hot here again, it was pretty damn hot today all of a sudden. At least I dont have to walk anymore, my skateboard is a real relief to one of the problems in my life.
I hate going home, I dont want to go home again. I'd rather be anywhere but there, I'm not going home during the summer. I'm going to take as much classes as I can and get a internship to stay here for the summer. I dont think theres a reason to go home, I dont think anyone would care if I didnt go home so it all evens out. Well I know theres some people who honestly so one weekend or so wouldnt hurt but apart from that Im staying here.
Im so bored.... Ima start on my essay now...