Jan 26, 2005 21:37
The evil doctor strapped Matt to the chair, tightening the rough leather around his wrists and ankles, cutting off circulation. The drugs were wearing off and Matt was able to struggle a little. "Don't move you little punk," shouted the doctor, removing evil looking surgical equipment from her black bag. Her statement was completely pointless because if anything Matt could be considered a "hippie" but I guess being an evil doctor it didn't matter. The bright light hurt Matt's eyes, forcing him to squint around the room. The clacking of scissors brought Matt back to his present situation. She took a step closer and with infinite slowness began to snip Matt's life's blood away. That's right the evil whore cut Matt's hair; torture in its purest sense. Oh god..."What are you writing, Matt?" asked Scott interrupting Matt's groove. "Damn, its that kid again," thought Matt... "uh nothing, just updating my journal." Lindsay quickly entered the room soon continuing to interrupt Matt's Chi...Shit, thought Matt, these people are cramping my style. I dunno what to write. Matt had been attempting to do something with the recent haircut he had recieved but he couldn't think with all the talking. "Perhaps I should take a month or two away from this journal thing," thought Matt...
This is reality goddamn, when does summer start.