secondlina has suggested a meme about the 11 cartoon moments that scared you as a child. Here are mines (some are the same as you guys XD).
11: Pinocchio - The coach man of Pleasure Island
Remember that part in which the Cat and The Fox make a deal with the Coach man of Pleasure Island? How could you not be scared by *this*?
earthstar-chan, you were scared by Pinocchio too XD. Poor puppet, one scary thing after another. Well, at least some scenes weren't like the book.
The blue fairy: *opens the window* There's nobody home. They are all dead.
Pinocchio:*running away from killers, in tears* At least *you* could open the door!
The blue fairy: I'm dead too. I'm waiting for my coffin to come and take me.
10: Sailor Moon - The sailors being killed one by one
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At the end of the first season of Sailor Moon, the sailors (minus Usagi) are killed one by one by the enemies. That episode didn't really scare me, just made me really really sad :(
Phibrizio killing everyone in Slayers Next is not on the list just never aired on tv when I was a child XD (they cut the entire scene -_-' ehi, but Sailor Moon wasn't cut! Not fair >_>)
9: Who framed Roger Rabbit - Judge Doom reveals itself
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The entire scene where he recovers after being "dead", his eyes pop out and he start talking like that was so creepy ^^. I remember being frightened the first time, but I saw that movie so many times it didn't make such an effect afterwards.
Remember me Eddie? When I killed your brother I talked JUST..LIKE..THIIIISSSS!!!
8: Snow White - The evil queen turns into a witch
If I remember correctly, this is a legacy fear XD. My mum was scared by the witch as a child and I was too XD
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Evil queen, you are so smart. Turning into an hideous creature surely will earn you people's trust. Good for you that Snow White is dumb XD.
7: Casper - Kat's dad returns as a ghost
Does 3D animation counts? The scene where kat's dad is killed and returns as a ghost who almost doesn't remember his child didn't make me sleep that night ^^
6: Little Mermaid - Ursula's worms
Remember those worm like things Ursula kept in her lair? They used to creep me up (expecially Ariel's father turned into a worm...*shivers*)
5: The Humpback of Notre Dame - Hellfire
Ominous latin chanting, faceless hooded men...I remember being so scared in the theatre that my sister noticed it and teased me entire life? XD
It didn't help the fact that even if I was little I had perfectly understood why Frollo wanted Esmeralda, so I was already scandalized XD
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But now I'm an adult, and this is one of my favourite disney scenes of all time *__* and I'm happy that the Disney company dared to make something so beautiful.
4: Christmas Carol (not Disney)
I had a VHS with a cartoon version of the Christmas Carol that wasn't Disney's...maybe it's the 1972 version from Richard Williams. Anyway, it was creepy! More than the usual Ghost of the future christmas, that is creepy by default, I remember being scared by the ghost of Scrooge's colleague (they even briefly show him as a skeleton).
That cartoon was very faitful to the original novel..and it was sad and depressing for this reason ^^.
3: The Simpsons - Itchy and scratchy
Is there someone who really, really loves the cat and the mouse who are always trying to kill each other?
I saw one or two of their sketches, which regularly caused me nightmares, then stopped watching them (and I still don't: I've watched tons of Simson episodes but whenever they are on screen I look at the floor)
I know that some people like this stuff (remember Happy Tree Friends?) but I'm not one of this people.
2: One Piece - Sanji's story
I don't know if this counts, since I was 16 at the time and more a teenager than a child, but still...
Ok, see this happy guy? When he was a kid he found himself on a deserted island with his captain, where their food supplies ended soon and both started to think of cannibalism..I don't know the rest because I turned the tv off >_> but they both survive in the end, in some way (don't tell me, please >_>). I couldn't sleep that night -_-
I'm happy I stopped following One Piece years ago, I *so* don't want to know the back story of Brook the skeletron XDDD
1: Dumbo - Pink Elephants on Parade
So, what could be worse than cannibalism? But pink elephants on parade, that's what XDDD
Seriously, there's little to be afraid here, but it was the scene that most terrified me as child (4-5 years old). I used to run away from the room every time that scene appeared, and it quickly became a joke in my family.
Mum: I'm scared of going to the dentist this time :(
Dad: Do you see pink dentists on parade?
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Dumbo is a depressing movie, and this scene is just the lowest pit that Dumbo reaches (after that, things start to get better). I don't remember what scared me, maybe their empty eyes, or the panic in their singing voices...I'm still a bit uncomfortable watching this anyway.
And that's it. It was a bit hard to put those scenes in order (except the pink elephants who will always win first place XD).
Uhm...most of these scenes are taken from Disney movies XDDDD. well, when i was a child I watched only that!