Feb 13, 2005 01:35
Going into our first Improv show of the semester I was nervous because three of our most beloved members wouldn't be there. Yet, as I suspected, the eight of us who did perform (including our MC) brought forth the energy that was needed.
The show itself was incredible. It began pretty well just based on the fact that we did a very good job filling the house; and due to the way B50 is set up, it is always an ideal performing space. 5 Things went pretty well for the most part; got some cheap laughs on Bill Clinton-related jokes.
The first two scenes went well, though perhaps went on a little too long. I was really proud of myself though because in the second scene (one I wasn't originally meant to be in) Josh in a reverand-fashion addressed his "brothers" and his "sisiters". Burch jumped out as the "brother" so I jumped in for "sister". As it was foward-reverse, we used a lot of broad, physical humor and it worked out really well.
Party quirks was...interesting. I was given some hard quirks to guess. One was Iron chef and, being the pop-culture looser I am had no idea what that was. I knew what Sean's quirk was (British Nature show host). But I suppose my continual insistance of "British Science show host" just didn't cut it for the audience so that definately took a while. But it worked because the audience clearly had a good time laughing at my confusion; ultimately the energy was good.
For the first time in a while the energy for Doo-Run was really brought up. I won too but only because Dan took the die (which was very funny).
I think the highlight of the night was when, in Dubbing, Sean (through Josh) said something along the lines of my character being fat. I gave Sean a look of indignace and the audience laughed so I decided to play that up and started to stager towards Sean in a rage. The audience laughed even harder. Sean did get a groaner for the "fat" comment and the best line was Sean's defense "no, Eli is a very sweet and beautiful girl who is thin. In fact, when I am trying to make myself throw-up all I have to do is think of her." Needless to say, everyone in the audience cracked up.
Challenge in a Minute went very well. We were given the topic of jousting and I basically was William from a Knight's tale. Dan also took on a Knight's persona, and for the last challenge I took hold of my "lance" and proclaimed I challenged Dan to a duel, to which Burch was Dan's noble steed.
This is actually the best show I think I've given, and as a group I was really pleased to see how well we're working together and how far we've come. I definately felt like, on one level, we were chanelling those MIA (abroad) in our scenes and characters.
Tonight's show is definately a great sign because usually the first shows are often the hardest and we went above and beyond tonight. *is greatly pleased*