1.Do you write in a journal, real life one, not LJ?
I do. When I'm extremely upset or need to talk myself out of feeling a certain way, I'll grab one of my (many, many) journals and just write, write, write. It's a calming experience, and it really helps. I've kept paper journals since I was 12... it's funny to read what I wrote all those years
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1. Journaling in real life helps me a lot.
2.I'm not a big celebrity fan, but I do like some of the pretty faces out there. Did you ever watch the Pillow Book Writer with Ewan McG in it?
3.:D I love Big Business.
4.Hee hee. I am obsessed with expensive jewels, while at the same time I'm struggling to have a very non-possessive attitude toward material possessios.
5.I like the REgency Era. Lots of style and nice costumes.
I haven't seen Pillow Book Writer, is it good?
:) Just tellin' it like it is.
The movie I mentioned is really good, sort of art-filmish, very visually beautiful, pretty interesting story, but(this could be good or bad)it has lots of nudity. So much so that you forget they are nude.
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