Dec 27, 2007 22:47
is refreshing to reach out and help someone. My only fear doing such is that I may speak over someone's head. I don't really mean to. I just want to be clear with what I am saying.
Educated in the health sciences makes me this way. Someone presents a problem and if I have the knowledge to help them, I want to help, but have one heck of a time leaving out the medical jargon.
Case in point. In one of my weight loss forums, someone asked why someone they knew commented that they were losing weight too fast. This bothered me since,
1. Everyone loses weight differently, because,
2. Everyone's body is different.
3. The greater the weight to lose, the greater the loss per week starting out.
This is simple physics, not to mention, the anatomy and physiology of the body. Coupled with a boat load of metabolic issues...kcals ingested vs. kcals expended.
I hope I was clear enough, and not come off as a know it all. Now that I look at this, this seems easier to understand than what I wrote to that person. Oh well, I hope she takes it in good spirit.
Regards, everybody!